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Priyanka R. Dharampuriya, Neha Singh , Susan L. Abend

Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), who comprise 1–3% of the population, suffer from healthcare disparities so great that the American Medical Association has recommended that they be designated as a Medically reasons for these disparities have been posited and have been the subject of two surgeon general reports,[10,11] one key issue stands out as an important barrier to health equity: multiple surveys have shown that over 90% of healthcare practitioners feel that they do not have the proper knowledge to treat patients with IDD.[12–14

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Roadmap for Creating Effective Communication Tools to Improve Health Equity for Persons with intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

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Healthcare Access and Delivery for People with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability in the United States: Policy, Payment, and Practice Considerations

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Our Covid-19 Response

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