Our Covid-19 ResponsePatient Summary for Person with Developmental Disability During the epidemic, the Right Care Now Project worked with the Ohio Association...
Roadmap for Creating Effective Communication Tools to Improve Health Equity for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental disabilitiesPriyanka R. Dharampuriya and Susan L. Abend People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) face significant challenges in...
Healthcare Access and Delivery for People with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability in the United States: Policy, Payment, and Practice ConsiderationsAlexandra (Alixe) Bonardi | Susan L. Abend | Ari Ne'eman The United States is home to over 330 million people (Census Bureau, 2022)....
THE RIGHT CARE NOW PROJECTMost industries – from transportation to commerce – are now being revolutionized by advances in information technology. Hospital care is...
Declining high‑impact clinical publication rate: A potential contributor to health disparities among persons with developmental and intellectual disabilitiesBackground: Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) suffer from stark, well‑documented health and healthcare dispari